Bruce |
King |
Slightly behind on writing this post since King and Bruce have been home for a little over a week now but still wanted to get their story on the blog!
They are officially our FIRST homestead animals and they are the perfect addition to say the least.
I was cruising Craigslist when I came across their ad; I always search the farm section for goats, chickens and pigs!
I seriously think I feel in love with them then; their cute close up nose pictures and long hair. Sigh.
The AD included their website so I went to check them out; two had already been sold and Bruce and King were still up for grabs. I immediately emailed her inquiring about King's price when she emailed back my heart sank I could not afford any where near his worth with our tight homestead budget. I let it go for awhile emailing her back thanks but no thanks pretty much and linking her to our blog. But continued to read the americankunekunepigsociety.com discussion boards, Q & A's, and even the classifieds on there. A bit later I had this idea Ahha maybe she would make a deal for Bruce and King since they like to remain in pairs anyway...so yet again during my birthday shenanigans at this point just finishing ice cream and heading home to get Jack and Casey's sister Katie for my birthday dinner I emailed her asking that very question! She replied and my eyes and heart filled with GLEE! Yes she would as long as we would forgo the DNA test and papering and do that on our own terms. I was more then delighted I could hardly focus on this amazing Jersey company pizza were indulging in. I quickly emailed her back and set up a time to go see them that very next day. To SEE them I thought but once we mapped out the route I quickly realized it was going to be a 2.5 hour drive each way so I prepared the best I could with what little animals supplies we had at home to actually bring the piglets home in the Bronco haha yes IN the Bronco!

AHH I almost forgot one of the greatest meant to be parts; Casey had lost a bet earlier in the day owing me a scratch off ticket and sure enough...I won $100 and adding that to the $50 my mom gave me for my birthday I was nearly half way to the piglets cost plus she offered us a free dog kennel so we had an area for them until we could fence something in! SCORE.
The next day we headed out quite early and made a pit stop at another hole in the wall pizza joint. This one was special though Casey and Katie grew up eating here...Crustys! It was mighty delicious even if the restaurant itself needed a good scrubbing. I could easily see how the place would give you a sort of childhood nostalgia; the 1990's painted murals of hot air balloons to monkeys, located in a small strip mall, the dingy light shining through island type wooden blinds. A seat yourself mentality and the old school plastic Pepsi cups dripping with condensation from the ice and soda inside.
We continued on the journey to get Bruce and King and wouldn't you know it something had to go "wrong" the trailer hitch pin snapped in half due to a washboard dirt road. Good thing Casey had the chain hooked to the Bronco or there would have been a trailer laying on that dirt road aways back instead of dragging! We quickly improvised by removing a bolt from else where on the trailer and tightening the lock nut until we felt it was secure enough to move forward. Their house was situated on the back side of a canyon and the directions given were very exact once we came down the drive way I could immediately see them!
We hung out for awhile chatting away about their mini farm (http://ridiriranch.com) and the piglets before loading the dog kennel on the trailer and turning around the Bronco to position it to go smoothly up the driveway.
We then prepped the Bronco with a few blankets I had when she offered us a tarp to use to contain the mess than was inevitable on a 2.5 hour trip with two piglets. Pooping, peeing, and puking all happened and it is safe to say that Casey was one happy man that we had that tarp his Bronco remaining smell and stain free once we got home!
We quickly assembled their pen (the dog kennel) and I went to the neighbors searching for hay or straw for them to sleep on until I could get to the store the next day. Luckily, we live by two mini-farms and I quickly returned with a bag full.
First night in pen |
Meeting Ender (who is obsessed with them) |
The next day Casey needed to work on homework so I found myself scouring pinterst for a pig home idea (landing on a little A-Frame) and then found myself alone at Home Depot to get the supplies! I got everything I needed plus hay and straw from the local feed store and pig feeding and drinking containers. Once home I measured everything out and was just about to assemble when Casey arrived to help...well save the day!
The third day the pigs were home I knew that I wanted to expand their pen; I had found some ideas using pallets and t-posts but I was unable to find any free pallets around town (later I got the scoop from my neighbor on where to look) any who I decided to post on the mom page here asking if anyone was selling a outdoor dog kennel...this was before I remembered Casey's mom and stepdad have one. So one of the moms replied saying they were moving to Phoenix and she would sell it for $50 so the next day while Casey was at night class I picked it up!
Expansion One:
Before we expanded |
After expansion |
After expansion |
After expansion |
eating pigs are happy pigs |
Cutie Bruce! |
Next month Casey's mom and stepdad are going to bring the other kennel to their land and were going to go get it and check out their little cabin so the pigs will have one more expansion which should last them until they are quite a bit bigger.
Next up, fencing an area for goats which our neighbor is going to help us out with she has alpine/norwegian goats I believe. From researching I know that alpines are great milkers and I want to make cheese and soap so that's a plus!
and eventually we need to get a chicken coop and area done so I can stop getting eggs from next door! Jack and I easily eat three a day probably more if they were right here.
King |
Stubborn Bruce learning to sit for his snack (vegetables or fruit) |
King the champ sitter! |
Bruce |
King |
Bruce |
Little piglet nose! |
King even sits up on his back legs to get snacks...in this case he stood on Bruce |
King "standing" for his snack! |
***At this time we do not plan to butcher the pigs to aid in our sustainable lifestyle. We will look into getting a female to breed and possibly sell to help with the homestead costs***
And of course what would the blog be with out a few pictures of little Mr. Jack whom loves the pigs dearly. He even tries to ride Bruce so lately I've been taking him in the stroller to observe from outside the pen.