Well this is long over due! I had a level one ultrasound done back in July at the start of the month and everything appeared to be fine baby was about three pounds at 32 weeks I was cleared to drive to WI for a short four day vacation. The house in Texas was ready--crib set, clothes washed, nursery decorated, bottles washed, b pump ready, cloth diapers set! Daddy had just come for a visit and we had our maturity pictures done and spend our last visit before baby exploring San Antonio!
River Walk |
So Skye the boys and I were off on our trip Tuesday the 9th right after dropping Casey at the airport; our trip went smoothly the squealing frogs weren't to bad!! My trip home was different from any others before; I kind of hid out and relaxed in Monico with only a few visits with close friends and family.
sleeping away!! |
Mrs.Helen and I |
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Surprised Grandma lucy with the belly |
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I swear we didnt plan the stripes! |
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One of my many visits with Rod |
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So excited to see me and the bump! |
We were suppose to leave Monday the 15th at eight p.m. but as the day went on the pressure was getting worse. I called Casey, my mom, and Skye and said "I think it is time." I wanted my mom to take me to Wausau but she said "no no what if it's a false alarm?!" so off we went to Rhinelander when she got home from work! Arriving at the hospital I was 2.5 centimeters dilated they told use that they would monitor me and see what would happen. "People are this way for weeks!" they said. Midnight comes and I'm dilated a little more so they started me on Terbutaline to stop the labor and I fell asleep from midnight to about five a.m. when I woke I knew Jack was coming that day so I called for a nurse and was checked at six..dilated to 3.5 cm at that point they told me they were unable to deliver a baby at 33 weeks so I was being flown to Marshfield birthing center/NICU after they started me on yet another slowing drug (magnesium sulfate 2).
mom catching a picture of helicopter before heading to meet me! |
As all this is going on Casey was trying to get to Wisconsin in time for this baby. Everyone was filling in his family via phone who were in New Mexico and my close friends it was a whirl wind! My flight was 35 minutes long a nice smooth sunny ride but I was dilating by the minute in the air...Dale my pilot said "if you have this baby on my helicopter you have to name him after me" when landing I was at 5 cm; later the doctor told me if my water would've broke on its own it could've easily had Jack while flying! Casey had luckily got a flight out of San Diego and Jessica, Skye, my mom and dad were all right behind me driving down.
I don't remember much leading up to the labor I felt like I dealt with the contractions well-- I know I was starving!!! I tried taking a bath just couldn't get comfortable. (which is to be expected right?) I remember doctor Taylor walking in and me saying "am I having this baby today?" he replied " why in such a hurry?" I said my fiance is trying to board a plane from Cali and the last hospital told me that they weren't going to stop it or induce it and then after six hours they tried stopping it" he replied "well let me check you and see your contraction sheet"....his next reply "yep were having this baby today...sooner than later!"
I remember thinking I wish Casey was there and how this was totally different from the home birth I had planned. I remember having anxiety and wondering what would happen to Jack. I was excited to see him and excited to be done with this pregnancy. I remember when I knew it was time... I threw up the only "food" they gave me in almost 24 hours... popsicles.
I had to leave the normal birthing room and go into a surgical room in-case of a emergency c-section only one person could come with and Casey hadn't arrived (he was boarding his plane from Chicago to land in CWA) so I asked my mom to join me in this experience. I can't recall the exact time but I think we went in around 1:30pm.
Some things I remember from behind those closed doors:
- It was extremely sterile, white, bright, and hot--nurses lined the wall to my right
- I remember thinking that laying on your back is the dumbest way to birth a child
- Dr. Taylor at one point told me that I wasn't really pushing I was only doing the motions
- I remember almost passing out and they were prepping the oxygen
- I yelled "Get his baby out of me"
- After Jack was born I kept thanking Dr. Taylor and him telling me that he didn't do anything it was all me
- I can say that I thought laboring would be MUCH worse
there is our little man! with is NICU doc |
First kiss from mama |
July 16th 2013 at 2:12pm Jack Kenneth Thompson arrived Naturally and Healthy at 4p 4.5oz 16.5in long
first kiss video! |
I don't remember seeing him or kissing him (but we have pictures & video^^^^) I think my body was in such a hormonal adrenaline relief stage I just couldn't function! They took him in another room to check him over and then sent him to the NICU we weren't able to see him until that night. I texted Casey to call me the second he landed at CWA! I can recall like it was yesterday hearing his voice asking if everything was alright and me telling him he had become a daddy to perfect little man!!!
Random labor pics:) Well that was fun..ha |
random labor pics:) Support Team |
Things from others around me about what they remembered, felt or experienced:
Just some of what Casey had to say:
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from not to cali* |
When you called at work I was like WHAT NO! It is too
early!!! My work was like GO GO GO! I did 100MPH home!!! I took you to
Rhinelander to try to down play everything that was happening trying to tell myself
he wasn’t coming! I knew you wanted him in Texas at home with just you and
Casey. I thought the helicopter was the best thing wasn’t nervous about that part
of it. But I was overwhelmed, scared, excited but knew you were going to be
safe in Marshfield. I did 80mph all the
way down once I arrived and saw you in your room I settled down and was able to
relax a bit. I was very excited to be invited into the delivery room but sad
because I wished Casey would have been able to make it. I thought it was so
incredible to see the baby’s full head of hair and see him being born; the most
precious part was watching you kiss him and see him for the first time. Some
funny things I remember about the delivery room were the doctor sitting back
with his arms crossed and waiting for you to “actually” push … you only swore a
few times and got annoyed with me once which I thought over all was better than
expected. It was a great and exciting feeling to run out and tell everyone baby
jack was born! Over all I felt very blessed to be able to experience everything
and attend Jack’s birth and your wedding. I think I felt every emotion possible
that day. When I went to pick up Casey at CWA I had never meant him; I was waiting
at airport… looking for the biggest guy to get off airplane with tattoos…I ran
up gave him a hug and called him daddy!! Given the situation the meeting went
well… I never shut up the whole way to Marshfield because I was nervous!! I
remember telling him
“Welcome to life with Brittany…always a surprise waiting to
happen… nothing goes as planned”
I felt like he was really excited ---it was almost surreal
for him--- I think he was trying to digest everything on the way there. The day
had been a whirlwind for him from finding out you were in labor to trying to
get a flight etc.
"First thing that comes to mind is everything was very fast and done with a sense of urgency. I felt
that things went fairly well considering the unexpectedness of it all minus the hospital setting of course.
There were a bunch of anxious people waiting for you to get out of the delivery room or at least some news!...I was trying to find a nurse but they wouldn't release any information. As I remember Jessica was in hospital room super excited but feeling nervous as were we all as time passed. Your dad was pacing back and forth in a excited fatherly way. I remember your mom came running out in scrubs gave everyone a hug and said "baby jack was born all is well Brittany was on a rampage but did well" or something along those lines it was fast just a minute or two.
When you came back to the room you were still a little out of it but very happy and relieved that he was healthy and all had gone naturally and well.
Rhonda (Casey's mom)
I remember Casey calling the night before Jack was born and letting me know that you were at the hospital but telling me that it could be a week or so before Jack was born. I remember thinking thank God you weren't on the road back to Texas and I was glad you had your family around. I then remember Casey calling on the day Jack was born and saying you were in labor and they were sending you to another hospital and I then tried to get Casey a flight, you called me while in labor to see about getting Casey there and I remember thinking how awesome it was that you called while all this was going on to get him there. I then remember Casey working it out and getting a flight that left right away and Traci calling me to keep me informed and for that I was so thankful. Since she did that I felt like I was there and more of the experience. I then remember Casey texting me that he was waiting to board the plane and that he didn't think he was going to make it and I cried for him but was glad he was going to be there before Jack was even 24 hours old. The next thing I know I get a text and Jack was born I looked at my watch and Casey had been flying for only 15 minutes. I was thankful that you were ok, that my son was on his way, that Traci had been so wonderful and that my grandson was born.
Rhonda (Casey's mom)
I remember Casey calling the night before Jack was born and letting me know that you were at the hospital but telling me that it could be a week or so before Jack was born. I remember thinking thank God you weren't on the road back to Texas and I was glad you had your family around. I then remember Casey calling on the day Jack was born and saying you were in labor and they were sending you to another hospital and I then tried to get Casey a flight, you called me while in labor to see about getting Casey there and I remember thinking how awesome it was that you called while all this was going on to get him there. I then remember Casey working it out and getting a flight that left right away and Traci calling me to keep me informed and for that I was so thankful. Since she did that I felt like I was there and more of the experience. I then remember Casey texting me that he was waiting to board the plane and that he didn't think he was going to make it and I cried for him but was glad he was going to be there before Jack was even 24 hours old. The next thing I know I get a text and Jack was born I looked at my watch and Casey had been flying for only 15 minutes. I was thankful that you were ok, that my son was on his way, that Traci had been so wonderful and that my grandson was born.
I remember the first picture I saw and I cried and I remember thinking he is a little fighter! and thanking God that you and Jack were both fine!
Then the wedding :)
love it :)
ReplyDeletegreat family!
ReplyDeleteGBU all.