Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Verdict Is In

Many of you heard the news yesterday...
We did NOT get the second loan meaning we had to let go of the Texas home and lose close to $1500; we were sad for the outcome but relieved that the journey is over and we can begin fully working on PLAN B we were in Flagstaff Arizona when we heard the news and decided to get a large storage unit for our trailer and belongings; Casey and I had recently decided if the verdict was no then we would be calling this our new home. 

The blog will be filled with many planning & construction updates over the next few weeks. We are currently camped out in Casey's moms house trying to nail down the details of land, structure, building codes, electric, sewer, water and plenty more! You name it and it is probably on the list! 

It is funny how things work out how they are meant to; Casey accepted his admissions at Flagstaff and we will be heading back in the next month or two before school starts.

When we entered Flagstaff as our first destination of the trip I made a status on Facebook stating
 "I swear I've never seen a sky so heart is filled with joy.."
I was sitting in the back of the jeep thinking how my heart has been in Arizona since Casey first took me back in 2012. The red rocks, the hiking, all four seasons but not a winter like Wisconsin. I was amazed by the stars and the moon; the only light you could see for light pollution from the city. But most noticeable of all the crisp, clean, fresh chilly air.

Here are a few sneak peeks of what we are thinking for our PLAN B home!



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