Saturday, October 11, 2014

She believed she could so she did...

I have lived in California for nearly five years and every year that passed I said that I would try to surf..and by try to surf I mean get the heck in the beautiful yet cold Pacific Ocean. Well today I believed that I could so I did! My wonderful friend Maren & I had planned  a beach day a few weeks back and I joked about her husband teaching me to surf (he builds/shapes surf boards for a clearly he's experienced!) and the joke became reality! He was willing to put up with my not so great swimming, not so great paddling and absolutely no experience in the ocean...unless you count dipping my toes in and further more no skills regarding surfing! But he believed in me and I believed in myself the waves were quite large...well to my standards but he was really great about being patient and trying to catch me the right one to attempt to stand. We will just say this IT IS NOT AS EASY AS IT LOOKS! After a few failed attempts I finally some what stood up and it was awesome! The whole day was awesome. Being outside getting vitamin D & enjoying good conversations, laughs and waves was more than I could have asked for on this wonderful Saturday. 

 After our beach morning came to an end I met up with Casey to go purchase a trailer out in Santee; it is a little bigger than we had originally wanted or needed but for the money it was great quality and one of the better deals we were able to find on a budget. The whole experience was kind of "surreal" I was I'm well were actually leaving this place for good in less than a month. A place were we became part of who we are & the place that we met. We have made many great friends and memories here and we will hopefully do the same during our next adventure. San Diego will be dear to my heart for along time but I'm ready to raise Jack in the "country" and let him enjoy and learn the things we did as kids; having a yard to run around in, playing in the fall leaves, fishing in the summer and learning to ride a bike down a gravel road. Memories. 


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