Thursday, October 9, 2014

The first of many...

If you're reading this then you must be someone quite special; as a family we have decided to slow life down a bit starting with social media. Casey had deleted Facebook months ago and I was still lingering about "oh I need for the nonprofit, oh I need it to connect with moms, oh I need..." nope defiantly do NOT need anything besides what is in front of me and in my heart. So today I took the "plunge" and deleted Facebook well the OLD Facebook I forgot to look at the exact number but a few hundred does that happen? My new goal is to remain under 40 people that includes family and under five groups!Facebook will be more of an avenue to link to blog and allow CLOSE family and friends whether near or far to keep up with our adventure.
This month will be nothing less than insane before our big move which is still under wraps until we get everything figured out. But I can tell you there has been some major changes around here as far as mind set & goals as a family.
  1.  Casey will be focusing on his doctorate degree full time 
2. I will only be working enough to pay our bills and work 
towards our debt the rest of my time will be spent at home! 
I will remain in school online. 
3. Be completely debt free of Credit cards & Auto loans by 2016 
4. Start our hand in homesteading (Garden, bees, chickens..etc!)Hopefully generate income from this down the line. 
 5. Raise a smart, respectful, spontaneous,loving, adventurous little man! 
6. Work on our relationship as a couple & our faith as a family
 7. Make our house into a HOME 
8. Change our mind set: SLOW DOWN AND ENJOY 
Thank you for accepting our request to watch, guide, and aid in our future and new endeavor. 
The Thompsons


  1. Beautiful. Congratulations on streamlining and cutting out the noise so you can focus on what really matters. I am so excited for you three as you advance to the next chapters of your life, and really wish I could be there in person to see everything unfold. Here's to living life! Xoxoxo

  2. So proud of you Britty! And so glad you have a blog!!

    1. Thank you Roomie! I can't wait to catch up with you about your new house and all that goes with it! xoxo
